Examview and Moodle

I created a short guide on how to use Examview created tests using Screensteps. I uploaded it to the school wiki but wanted to make sure all of my content was somewhere beside my computer and a wiki that is out of my control.

I have used these quizes and tests for formative and summative assessments in my class. It’s an easy way to create and recreate assessments. Once we went to Moodle 2.4 at school I started using the Examview assessments to create content that could be imported into Moodle. Working out well so far.

[pdf http://teachnbabble.com/wp-content/newupload/Creating-A-Moodle-Quiz-Using-ExamView.pdf]

Guide created using ScreenSteps and embedded into the blog as a pdf using TGN embed everything.

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