Quick Tip

Cool Toys pics of the day: Packrati.us
Packrati.us (Photo credit: rosefirerising)

There is always something interesting online. I like using twitter to help me save things. Although I could favourite a tweet I like having everything in one of two places Diigo or Evernote. I have used IFTTT to create actions that move tweets automatically. For example, you could favourite a tweet then have the tweet sent to Diigo.

Another option is to use  http://packrati.us/. Anything, I tweet or retweet, that has a url in it is automatically saved to my Diigo account. Any hashtag i use becomes a Diigo tag. So if I am on Zite or my RSS feeds and I see something of interest I send it out as a tweet this way I share tag and save.

As you can see I use this a lot.

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