IF Tools

I was asked a while back about Interactive Fiction games and why I used Quest instead of Inform 7. I know I looked at both a few years back when planning my Interactive Text unit. I remember thinking that the script block system of Quest was close to the block programming structure of Scratch and thought this might be helpful for my students.

I found this description of someone being helped with an if statement in Inform 7. I have added the bolded objects and am assuming that the player has moved into a room with a Zombie in it. I also changed the last line as my Zombie has no antennae!
if the player is carrying the knife begin;
say "You brutally hack at the zombie until it is an unrecognisable pulp. By some magickal means the slimy puddle left behind morphs into a brass key.";
move zombie to the void;
move brass key to location;
stop the action;
say "The [monster] waves its antennae menacingly. You decide you'd be better not messing with this one." instead;
end if.

In Quest this might look like this.


Probably, in the end, it really doesn’t matter what you use, an if statement is an if statement. To really get a better idea I would need to try to make a three room game with this basic story in Quest, Inform 7 and Scratch. Next step I guess.